Editor’s note: This story is part of the annual Mosaic Journalism Workshop for Bay Area high school students, a two-week intensive course at journalism. Students in this year’s virtual program report and photograph real stories under the guidance of professional journalists.

On the surface, the Silicon Valley Urban Debate League is an organization that teaches students about public speaking, leadership and political affairs. But beneath the official training and activities there are many other benefits, including providing mentorship, emotional support and a sense of community to many lower-income South Bay students.

Members from Silicon Valley Urban Debate League teams, posed for a group photo during a debate tournament in Spokane, Washington. December 13, 2019. Photo courtesy of Lucia Hernandez 

Founded in 2014, SVUDL comprises12 high schools with a total of 500 students. Silver Creek, Downtown College Prep El Primero, and Yerba Buena high schools are all members of the league. SVUDL is one of 21 leagues in the country that are part of the National Association for Urban Debate Leagues.

Each school has its own club and coach. Clubs meet weekly to discuss the year’s debate topic, write speeches and practice delivering them in front of the group. Students get to show off their debate skills in multiple tournaments hosted by nearby high schools and colleges throughout the year.

Rachel Stattion, a recent graduate of Cristo Rey San Jose Jesuit High School, said that before she joined her school’s debate team, she looked for ways to improve her social skills. When faced with public speaking and presenting herself, she said she always felt an immense anxiety bubble up inside of her.

Through SVUDL, Stattion has met many people and experienced many different social interactions, which she said made her feel more at ease and improved her speaking skills. “I love my team,” she said with a smile. “Everyone’s great, we have friends from every school who come together and talk.”

This sense of community doesn’t stop with the students. Lucia Hernandez, who joined SVUDL last year as head coach, connects with her students outside of debate functions and tries to be there for them as people.

Recently, Hernandez went on a picnic in a local park with some members of her team. She also marched alongside some of them in the Black Lives Matter protest in downtown San Jose.

“I do benefit as much as the students,” Hernandez said. “It’s great seeing students grow, find their voice, think critically and contribute to their community.”

Friendships and community are just one aspect of the debate league’s benefits. Students also develop professional skills and expand their interests through field trips to such organizations as the Tesla factory in Fremont and the Law Foundation of Silicon Valley.

Jude Gadingan, a rising senior at Silver Creek High School, shared how much he has grown during his time as part of SVUDL.

“I’ve become more of an activist than I ever have in my life,” Gadingan said. “It wouldn’t have happened if it weren’t for SVUDL teaching me how to engage in politics properly.”

Gadingan said he is grateful for these experiences because not only was he able to get a taste of what it is like to be in law, but he was also able to polish his professional presence.

After spending a whole year learning about the nuts and bolts of debate, educating themselves about this year’s topic of gun reform and getting the chance to debate the topic in public, debaters are now starting to prepare for the 2020-21 season.

The first tournament of the school year, which will focus on the topic of criminal justice reform, will take place in September. Students are already gearing up to create the most impactful cases they can.

Vanessa Gudino is a rising senior at Cristo Rey San José Jesuit High School.