Montclairians enjoy first snow of the season (PHOTOS) - Montclair Local
Mother nature dumped six inches of snow on Friday, Jan. 7. Residents spent the morning digging out, while others headed outdoors with their canine companions to enjoy the snow and to the parks for some sledding.
Residents and business owners are reminded they should clean their sidewalks and crosswalks of snow. Snow blowing and shoveling snow from walkways, driveways and sidewalks into the streets, plowing driveways into the streets and cleaning snow off of vehicles into the street is prohibited as per township.
Residents who parked in the municipal parking lots and decks have until 9:30 p.m. Friday to remove their vehicles. The 9:30 p.m. deadline will be enforced so that snow removal crews can clear the lots and decks, according to Township officials.
Two men work on clearing the sidewalks of Montclair High School, Jan. 7, 2022. (KATE ALBRIGHT / FOR MONTCLAIR LOCAL)Juan Pinto clears the front sidewalk of Montclair High School, Jan. 7, 2022. (KATE ALBRIGHT / FOR MONTCLAIR LOCAL)An NJ Transit train travels across Chestnut Street, Jan. 7, 2022. (KATE ALBRIGHT / FOR MONTCLAIR LOCAL)Taylor Solomon walks along Walnut Street with her dog, Ellie, on Jan. 7, 2022. (KATE ALBRIGHT / FOR MONTCLAIR LOCAL)Dogs monitor the activity of a snowy morning from their porch on Forest Street, Jan. 7, 2022. (KATE ALBRIGHT / FOR MONTCLAIR LOCAL)Eleven-month-old Tucker navigates crossing Bloomfield Avenue during his first snow, Jan. 7, 2022. (KATE ALBRIGHT / FOR MONTCLAIR LOCAL)The sun comes out on St. Luke’s Place after the year’s first snowstorm, Jan. 7, 2022. (KATE ALBRIGHT / FOR MONTCLAIR LOCAL)Wind blows snow across Claremont Avenue, Jan. 7, 2022. (KATE ALBRIGHT / FOR MONTCLAIR LOCAL)The city view from Highland Avenue is dotted with snow, Jan. 7, 2022. (KATE ALBRIGHT / FOR MONTCLAIR LOCAL)The cityscape peeks out from behind a wintry scene on Highland Avenue, Jan. 7, 2022. (KATE ALBRIGHT / FOR MONTCLAIR LOCAL)A snowy-faced dog pauses during his walk, Jan. 7, 2022. (KATE ALBRIGHT / FOR MONTCLAIR LOCAL)A family walks to the sledding hill at Mountainside Park, Jan. 7, 2022. (KATE ALBRIGHT / FOR MONTCLAIR LOCAL)Oliver Newton launches off of a snow ramp, Jan. 7, 2022. (KATE ALBRIGHT / FOR MONTCLAIR LOCAL)Jeff Newton sends his son, Oliver, down a snow ramp, Jan. 7, 2022. (KATE ALBRIGHT / FOR MONTCLAIR LOCAL)A family glides down the hill at Mountainside Park, Jan. 7, 2022. (KATE ALBRIGHT / FOR MONTCLAIR LOCAL)Children climb back up the hill at Mountainside Park, Jan. 7, 2022. (KATE ALBRIGHT / FOR MONTCLAIR LOCAL)Madeline Frech, left, and Ella McFadden set off down the sledding hill, Jan. 7, 2022. (KATE ALBRIGHT / FOR MONTCLAIR LOCAL)From left, Toby and Marcel Arbelaez prepare to sled with their friend Raymond, Jan. 7, 2022. (KATE ALBRIGHT / FOR MONTCLAIR LOCAL)
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