A Cupertino teen who medaled in the city’s young artist competition last year is sharing her talents with the younger set.

Niketa Krishnan, 14, started tutoring children ages 4-11 in art over the summer. She taught 20 kids in two sessions and is planning a third session for November.

While the classes are free, Niketa has raised more than $500 in donations that she plans to contribute to a Bay Area COVID-19 relief fund she’s yet to choose.

While she’s donating locally, her students have signed on to her virtual art classes from across the country.

Niketa’s mom, Vidya Pichu, says her daughter’s passion for community service is equal to her love of art.

“She saw kids staying home due to the COVID shelter in place and saw parents struggling to keep them engaged, so wanted to donate her time and effort to help the community,” Pichu adds.

Niketa made her mark in the community last year when her artwork won a silver medal in the Cupertino Young Artist competition sponsored by the city’s Fine Arts Commission.

The theme for this year’s competition is “The Year 2020: The New Normal.” Artists ages 6-14 can creatively express what this year has meant to them. Works will be judged in two age groups on how effectively they communicate the contest’s theme. The top winners in both groups will receive $150.
Artwork and completed application form should be submitted via email to FineArts@cupertino.org by Nov. 13 at 4:30 p.m. For complete rules and to apply, visit https://www.cupertino.org/our-city/commissions/fine-arts-commission/young-artist-award.

To view Niketa Krishnan’s artwork or inquire about upcoming tutoring sessions, visit www.nikspiks.com.